MCC Livingston Parish-Wide Zoom Meeting

@ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

MCC Livingston Parish-Wide Zoom Meeting

Hello Livingston Parish partners, service providers, and community members! We are moving the Livingston Parish-Wide MCC meeting from August 12th to September 23rd. We value all of your support and want to make efficient use of your time. We are working on finalizing some strategic next steps and collaboration, and hope to have some exciting announcements by September 23rd!

In the meantime, we invite you to join our MCC neighborhood-specific zoom meetings (see dates/times below)! These meetings are focused on supporting neighborhoods identified as having the highest number of children entering foster care.
Click here to add to your calendar! 
Join the Zoom meeting here, or
Call +1 (646) 558-8656, and
Enter Meeting ID: 988 0903 7380. 

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