Clearing the Path to Access Benefits for Transition-Aged Youth

@ 11:00 am – 12:30 pm

The Coronavirus pandemic has created a volatile economic and social environment, making the experience of transitioning to adulthood and self-sufficiency even more challenging for older foster youth. Many young people in this phase of life qualify for an array of benefits – from stimulus money, to housing vouchers, to scholarships, to disability benefits and beyond; yet many eligible youth are unaware of these benefits and how to access them.

This webinar will highlight the stories of youth with lived experience in facing, and in some cases breaking through, these barriers to self-sufficiency. A panel of leading national advocates and attorneys will then share existing avenues to provide immediate relief to youth in and exiting care and policy recommendations to dismantle systemic barriers to self-sufficiency. Participants will leave with a greater understanding of potential benefits available to their clients, and a clearer path to access them. CLICK HERE


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