Reasonable Efforts: Overview of Law and Fiscal Implications

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In this training, the presenters will address important questions often raised by stakeholders:

  • What is the basis for making reasonable efforts?
  • What are some examples of reasonable efforts to prevent removal and to finalize the permanent plan?
  • What does reasonable efforts mean for the children and families being served?
  • Under what circumstances does DCFS risk losing Title IV-E reimbursement if reasonable efforts are not made?
  • What happens to Title IV-E reimbursement when a “no reasonable efforts” finding is made?


  • Learn the law and reasonable efforts findings that must be made at Child in Need of Care Hearings.
  • Gain familiarity with types of reasonable efforts to be made by the Department of Children and Family Services.
  • Understand the specific relationship between Title IV-E reimbursement and reasonable efforts findings at the different junctures of the case.


  • Cassondra Johnson, Child Welfare Manager for Federal Programs and Grants, Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS)
  • Samantha Morrison, Peer and Equity Specialist, Pelican Center for Children and Families
  • Mark Harris, Executive Director, Pelican Center for Children and Families