Self-Parenting in the Age of COVID-19

@ 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm

Join Patricia A. O’Gorman, PhD, author, psychologist, and speaker, for a step-by step guide to “self-parenting”: embracing your resilience and post-traumatic growth. Dr. O’Gorman shares, “If you are like me, and probably many of your colleagues and clients, you are drowning in information overload about COVID-19 while simultaneously feeling paralyzed as early painful memories and traumas are becoming conscious again. Reliving these memories is why I went back to my first book on self-parenting, The 12 Steps to Self-Parenting for Adult Children, which was inspired by the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. I began to again explore what I could do, and I want to share this process with you.”

July 8, 2020 12:00 PM- 1:30 PM



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